Lichubari, P.O. – Cinnamara, Jorhat, Assam | 0376-2340150

The Typical Routine Of The Best CBSE Schools in Jorhat

The typical routine of the best CBSE schools in Jorhat

We all strive to give the best to our kids. Right from their first diaper to their toys we chose everything meticulously. The choice of a school is no different. All parents look for a school that adds to the overall development of their child. If a school facilitates a conducive environment for the growth of a child, it is ideal. The routine that a school follows is a great indicator of their style and commitment. Are you also looking for the best CBSE schools in Jorhat that follow a routine that facilitates the growth and well-being of your child?

While like a regular parent you’d base your decision on the curriculum and record, it is wise to look at the school routine and decide if you are on board with the methodology. Schools in Jorhat differ from each other based on the routine they follow. One can observe that the routine followed in the best CBSE schools in Assam is the perfect balance of academics, extra-curricular activities, fun, and social development. Overworked students are an indication of unhealthy study routines that you must avoid. Look for a school that helps maintain good mental health in children by offering them a free environment to flourish.

Prayers and meditation:

It is a well-known fact that meditating at the start of the day refreshes the mind and allows better understanding and absorption. Additionally, a prayer routine that focuses on gratitude is a great way to teach children to value their blessings. If you are looking for the best school in Jorhat, one that regards the beginning of the day as the heart of the routine is ideal. The school must ensure that children bond well with themselves and others. The feeling of unity and love fostered at the start of the day stays with them and helps them concentrate better on learning.

Well-planned time-table that tackles difficult subjects at the start of the day:

Top schools in Assam design their timetable in such a way that subjects that require more concentration and reasoning are taken up in the initial hours. This ensures that the students are not tired and can absorb the concepts easily. The later hours focus on subjects that bring out the creativity in children.

Academic hours are separated using extra-curricular activities:

We have all heard the saying ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy ‘. Good schools in Jorhat ensure that no Jack becomes a dull boy. The hours dedicated to activities such as fine arts, dramatics, and other extra-curricular activities are placed strategically so children do not have to sit for academic lectures for long stretches. This offers a well-deserved break to their mind and helps them focus better on studies.

Adequate exposure to practical aspects of subjects: The best CBSE schools in Jorhat have well-equipped labs and ensure that the lecture method doesn’t overwhelm the students. These labs are a way to facilitate hands-on learning. A routine that is a good blend of different teaching methods such as lectures, audio-video sessions, lab experimentation is a great way to stay clear of monotony and help the kids to concentrate better.

Dedicated time for public speaking: Public speaking and effective communication are essential skills for the future. Good schools often ensure that these are a mandate in the curriculum. Dedicated slots where children are encouraged to speak help them prepare for their oration and also overcome stage fear.

Sports sessions: Sports are a critical aspect of overall growth in children. Good schools in Jorhat ensure that there is at least one sports session per day. Regular physical training and focus on sports is an essential part of the routine for these schools.

Hemalata Handiqui Memorial Institute in Jorhat is one of the best CBSE schools in Assam. A typical day at HHMI incorporates all the elements mentioned above. The school makes all the efforts in providing a balanced holistic curriculum and help children grow in all domains. HHMI is one-stop destination for your child’s all-around development, located in Jorhat we prepare the future leaders here!