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What to look for while searching for a school for your child?

Best school in Mariani | School in TitaborThe beginning of the school journey is a major milestone in a child’s life. It has the potential to make or break the child’s future. Parents pin high hopes on the school and wish that their children develop the skills to make it big in the real world. However, with a multitude of schools, boards, and teaching methodologies, it often gets difficult to choose the right school. While information brochures and advertisements are all praise about the school and its results, parents are often in a state of confusion. So, what are the parameters that make a school ideal? If you are also looking at the numerous schools in Assam, you must know what exactly to look for to make the right choice.

Below are some factors that you must consider before making the final decision:

  • Approach towards education: Education is a mix of a lot of factors, and academics are just a part of it. It is important to look for a school that treats education as an ongoing process and not a result-oriented rat race that pressurizes students. Talk to the head of the institution and some teachers to know if the approach is all about memorizing concepts or focuses on strengthening the basics. The best schools in Assam focus on many aspects beyond academic performance. They ensure students get adequate exposure to other aspects, such as sports, art, music, and robotics.
  • Affiliation to a good board: Education boards lay down the curriculum and standards for teaching. All schools need to abide by these preset standards. It is thus wise to opt for a school affiliated with a good board. It ensures that the child gets world-class education that adheres to the rules and syllabus set by the board. The best School in Titabor stick to the guidelines of CBSE and also add their innovative touch to offer the best learning experience for students.
  • Emphasis on co-curricular activities: Sports and other activities, such as art, craft, and drama, are as important as the syllabus. Best school in Mariani do not refer to these as extra-curricular activities, as they are conducted simultaneously with academic activities. These co-curricular activities help groom the students into future-ready individuals.
  • Experienced staff and teachers: Every person who your child will interact with at school will play an important role in shaping their future. It is thus important that they be well versed in handling young minds. This will help them shape futures effectively. Experienced and qualified staff are critical to the success of a school. It is a must to look at the credentials of the teachers and other staff members before enrolling the children.
  • Quality of Infrastructure: The infrastructure of the school determines the availability of resources to the children. Good quality infrastructure helps improve the mental and physical well-being of the children and facilitates learning and thinking. It also motivates the teachers to commit to education and ensure the best learning outcomes. Tops schools in Assam boast amazing infrastructures that ensure that everything required to ensure high-quality education for students is available.
  • Safety: This is one factor that all parents invariably expect from the school they choose to send their child to. One must check the security parameters of the school beforehand. CCTV cameras, proper fencing, and grills, childproofing of sharp surfaces, availability of a nursing room, etc. are some points to notice.

School life is the most important phase in a person’s life. If parents choose the school based on the above parameters they can ensure that the child has a great learning experience. Hemalata Handiqui Memorial Institute is one of the top schools in Assam that values the future of students. HHMI has it all to make sure that students get the best life ahead.